Source code for footylib.footylib

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:


import logging
from requests import Session
from dateparser import parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Bfs
from datetime import timedelta
from icalendar import Calendar, Event, vText
from collections import namedtuple

LOGGER_BASENAME = '''footylib'''
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_BASENAME)

[docs]class Footy(object): """ Main Footy class An object that can retrieve competitions from or get a team directly. """ def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger('{base}.{suffix}'.format( base=LOGGER_BASENAME, suffix=self.__class__.__name__)) self._site = '' headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} self.session = Session() self.session.headers.update(headers) self._front_page = None self._competitions = [] self._urls = set() @property def __league_page(self): """ Gets competitions page and scrapes its HTML :return: footy front page as BFS object """ if not self._front_page: page = self.session.get(self._site) try: self._front_page = Bfs(page.text, 'html.parser') except Bfs.HTMLParser.HTMLParseError: self.logger.exception("Error while parsing Footy front page") return self._front_page @property def competitions(self): """ Gets all competition URLs from the league page :return: list of Competition objects """ if not self._competitions: league_page = self.__league_page.find('div', {'id': 'league-page'}) competitions = league_page.find_all('ul', {'class': 'sub-menu'}) for competition in competitions: for competition_url in competition.find_all({'a': 'href'}): url = competition_url.attrs.get('href') if url not in self._urls and '#' not in url: self._competitions.append(Competition(self, url)) self._urls.add(url) return self._competitions
[docs] def get_team(self, team_name): """ Gets a team object from input name. It stops iterating when found. :param team_name: string of team name to look for. :return: Team object """ team = None for competition in self.competitions: team = next((team for team in competition.teams if == team_name.encode('utf-8').lower()), None) if team: break return team
[docs] def search_team(self, team_name): """ Looks for a team by a given name. :param team_name: string of team name to look for. :return: list of Team object(s) """ possible_teams = [] for competition in self.competitions: for team in competition.teams: if team_name.encode('utf-8').lower() in possible_teams.append(team) return possible_teams
[docs]class Competition(object): """ Gets competitions from location, url and name. Object that has all attributes for a competition """ def __init__(self, footy_instance, url): self._logger = logging.getLogger('{base}.{suffix}'.format( base=LOGGER_BASENAME, suffix=self.__class__.__name__)) self.session = footy_instance.session self._populate(url) self._teams = [] self._matches = [] self._calendar = None self._soup = None def _populate(self, url): """ Fills class variables that are passed from the main page """ try: self.url = url except KeyError: self._logger.exception("Got an exception in Competition") @property def teams(self): """ Gets all teams that are in a competition. The teams are retrieved from each row in the standings table :return: list of Team objects """ if not self._teams: standings = self._get_table('banner') division = standings.h2.text for teams in standings.find_all('tr'): team = teams.find_all('td') if team: self._teams.append(Team(self, team, division)) return self._teams @property def matches(self): """ Gets all matches that are in a competition The matches are retrieved from all the Rounds :return: list of Match objects """ if not self._matches: match_tables = self._get_table('previous-matches') for matches in match_tables.find_all('tr'): match = matches.find_all('td') if match: self._matches.append(Match(self, match)) return self._matches def _get_table(self, section_attr): """ Gets according section tag This is used for teams and matches :param section_attr: name of the section id attribute :return: BFS object """ if not self._soup: competition_page = self.session.get(self.url) self._soup = Bfs(competition_page.text, "html.parser") return self._soup.find('section', {'id': '{}'.format(section_attr)}) @property def calendar(self): """ Generates a RFC2445 (iCalendar) for all the matches in a competition :return: Calendar string """ if not self._calendar: self._calendar = Calendar() for team in self.teams: for event in self._calendar.add_component(event) return self._calendar
[docs]class Team(object): """ Object that has all team attributes. The information is sent from Competition where it has the visibility of the Standings table. It parses every row and it gets the data per each column. """ Row = namedtuple('Row', ['position', 'name', 'played_games', 'won_games', 'tie_games', 'lost_games', 'goals', 'diff', 'points']) def __init__(self, competition_instance, team_details, division): self.logger = logging.getLogger('{base}.{suffix}'.format( base=LOGGER_BASENAME, suffix=self.__class__.__name__)) self.session = competition_instance.session self.competition = competition_instance self._populate(Team.Row(*[info.text for info in team_details])) self._calendar = None self.division = division def _populate(self, team_details): """ It gets the row from standingstable for the requested Team and then it gets the index accordingly to every column. :param team_details: BFS object """ try: self.position = team_details.position ='utf-8').strip() self.played_games = team_details.played_games self.won_games = team_details.won_games self.tie_games = team_details.tie_games self.lost_games = team_details.lost_games self.goals = team_details.goals self.diff = team_details.diff self.points = team_details.points except AttributeError: self.logger.exception("Got an exception while populating a team") @property def matches(self): """ Gets all matches for a Team :return: list of Match objects """ return [match for match in self.competition.matches if in match.title] @property def events(self): """ :return: list of Event objects for all the matches that a Team is part of """ return [match.event for match in self.matches] @property def calendar(self): """ Generates a RFC2445 (iCalendar) for all the Events that a Team has :return: Calendar string """ if not self._calendar: self._calendar = Calendar() for event in self._calendar.add_component(event) return self._calendar
[docs]class Match(object): """ Object that has all attributes for a given match The information is sent from Competition where it has the visibility of the Matches table. It parses every row and it gets the data per each column. """ Row = namedtuple('Row', ['datetime', 'location', 'title', 'score', 'referee', 'motm', 'info']) def __init__(self, competition_instance, match_details): self.logger = logging.getLogger('{base}.{suffix}'.format( base=LOGGER_BASENAME, suffix=self.__class__.__name__)) self._populate(Match.Row(*[detail.text for detail in match_details])) self.competitions = competition_instance self._calendar = None self._visiting_team = None self._visiting_team_goals = None self._home_team = None self._home_team_goals = None self.event = FootyEvent(self.datetime, self.title, self.location, def _populate(self, match_details): """ It gets the row from matchtable for the requested Team and then it gets the value accordingly to every column. :param info: BFS object """ try: self.datetime = self.__string_to_datetime(match_details.datetime) self.location = match_details.location self.title = match_details.title.encode('utf-8') self.score = match_details.score self.referee = match_details.referee self.motm = match_details.motm = except AttributeError: self.logger.exception("Got an exception while populating a match") @property def visiting_team(self): """ :return: Visiting team name in a match """ if not self._visiting_team: self._visiting_team = self._get_team(home_team=False) return self._visiting_team @property def home_team(self): """ :return: Home team name in a match """ if not self._home_team: self._home_team = self._get_team() return self._home_team def _get_team(self, home_team=True): """ Method that gets the teams in a match and it determines whether it is the home or visiting one. - True: Home team - False: Visiting team :param home_team: Boolean :return: home/visiting team name """ home, visiting = self.title.split(' - ') match = home.strip() if not home_team: match = visiting.strip() team = next((team for team in self.competitions.teams if == match), None) return team def _get_match_goals(self, home_team_goals=True): """ Method that gets the score in a match and it determines whether result is for the home or visiting team. - True: Home team goals - False: Visiting team goals :param home_team_goals: Boolean :return: home/visiting goals for a team """ try: # Match not started (-:-) home, visiting = self.score.split(':') except ValueError: # Played match (0 - 0) home, visiting = self.score.split('-') score = home.strip() if not home_team_goals: score = visiting.strip() return score @property def home_team_goals(self): """ :return: home team goals in a match """ if not self._home_team_goals: self._home_team_goals = self._get_match_goals() return self._home_team_goals @property def visiting_team_goals(self): """ :return: visiting team goals in a match """ if not self._visiting_team_goals: self._visiting_team_goals = self._get_match_goals( home_team_goals=False) return self._visiting_team_goals @property def calendar(self): """ Generates a RFC2445 (iCalendar) for a match :return: Calendar string """ if not self._calendar: self._calendar = Calendar() self._calendar.add_component(self.event) return self._calendar @staticmethod def __string_to_datetime(datetime_string): """ Converts date and time string into a datetime object :param datetime_string: 05.09.2017 21:30 :return: datetime object """ datetime_object = None try: datetime_object = parse(date_string=datetime_string, date_formats=['%d.%m.%Y %H:%M'], settings={'TIMEZONE': 'Europe/Amsterdam'}) except AttributeError: LOGGER.exception("Couldn't parse this datetime.") return datetime_object
[docs]class FootyEvent(object): """ Object that creates an Event for a match """ def __new__(cls, match_date, match_title, location, match_info): """ :param match_date: datetime object :param match_title: match title :param location: location field for the match :return: event object """ event = Event() try: event.add('dtstart', match_date) event.add('summary', match_title) event.add('duration', timedelta(minutes=50)) event.add('location', vText(location)) event.add('resources', match_info) except AttributeError: LOGGER.exception('{} not valid datetime'.format(match_date)) return event